Web hosting

Web hosting Web hosting

In order to operate a website, in addition to registering a domain and designing a website, it is necessary to place it on a certain server so that people can access it and, if needed, use it.  It is the distribution of space by the provider on this server that is web hosting, to be precise.

Our agency offers the following services to the partner companies: colocation, hosting, VPS / VDS (virtual server).




• • Control Panel Directadmin

• • 99.9% aptam

• • Back up daily

• • Detailed statistics

• • Web Mail, POP3 / IMAP, Integration with Оutlook

• • Email autocomplete, compose mailing lists

• Email filters, antispyware and antivirus software

• Free consultation and assistance





• • Transportation of equipment to our data center;

• • Equipment cleaning, inspection, installation and connection;

• Unlimited electricity supply;

• Access to the Data Center at any time;

• • Reboot server on request;

• Providing server for repair / maintenance work in the office;

• • Check hard drives for UNIX systems: fsck -y and Windows systems: scandisk;

• 24 hour technical support and consultation





• Administrator access and access to the virtual server;

• Remotely enable and disable server restart;

• Remote backup and restore of the entire system;

• Monitoring of running processes and hardware load;

• Consultation on security policy planning and compliance.



System Administration


• Server monitoring and reporting

• • Administrative and diagnostic servers and services

• • Installing / updating / packing servers

• • • Server security

• Backup, recovery and work scheduling

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